Tuesday, January 6, 2015

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Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm using 8085 Microprocessor

As the name suggests “Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm” was developed using Microprocessor. 8085 is the Heart of the system. The sensors are made with help of LDR which are Light Dependent Resistors, whose Resistance is inversely proportional to the Light falling on it. The LDR converts the light energy into electrical energy and this variable electrical energy was converted into digital signal (0 or 1) by using the timer IC555. The Timer IC output goes low when light falls on the LDR and the timer IC output goes high when the LDR was placed in dark

circuit is as shown in below figure:
Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm using 8085 Microprocessor
the flow chart for Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm using 8085 Microprocessor is as shown in following fig.
Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm using 8085 Microprocessor
flow chart
the program for Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm using 8085 Microprocessor this is as shown below make sure that the Power supply pins & Port number before you connect the Hardware to the Trainer Kit.

0001   0000
0002   0000             PORTB EQU 0DH
0003   0000             PORTC EQU 0EH
0004   0000             REG EQU 0FH
0005   0000
0006   0000             .ORG 4100H
0007   4100
0008   4100 3E 82       MVI A,82H ;Set control word for 8255
0009   4102 D3 0F       OUT REG
0010   4104 3E 20       MVI A,00100000B ;switch off LED and alarm
0011   4106 D3 0E       OUT PORTC
0012   4108
0013   4108 DB 0D       UP: IN PORTB
0014   410A FE 20       CPI 20H
0015   410C CA 2F 41     JZ NIGHT ; jump if night
0016   410F 3E 60       MVI A,01100000B ;Switch on music and off light
0017   4111 D3 0E       OUT PORTC ;OUT to port C
0018   4113
0019   4113 0E 14       MVI C,14H ;call delay routine for 10sec
0020   4115 2A FF FF    SEC: LHLD 0FFFFH
0021   4118 3E 09       MVI A,09
0022   411A CD 05 00     CALL 0005
0023   411D 0D           DCR C
0024   411E C2 15 41     JNZ SEC
0025   4121
0026   4121 3E 20       MVI A,00100000B
0027   4123 D3 0E       OUT PORTC
0028   4125
0029   4125 DB 0D       N1: IN PORTB
0030   4127 FE 20       CPI 20H
0031   4129 C2 25 41     JNZ N1
0032   412C C3 08 41     JMP UP
0033   412F
0034   412F 3E 00       NIGHT: MVI A,00H ;switch on LED
0035   4131 D3 0E       OUT PORTC ;
0036   4133 C3 08 41     JMP UP
0037   4136
0038   4136             .END
 no. of errors = 0

Finally u have learned to make the project Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm using 8085 Microprocessor and make this today and ENJOY.

1 comment :

  1. the program is working fine for me sir thank you looking for this from many days sir thank you.
