This Project "Automatic Night Lamp with Morning Alarm" was developed using Microprocessor. It is the Heart of the system. The sensors are made with help of LDR which are Light Dependent Resistors, whose Resistance is inversely proportional to the Light falling on it. The LDR converts the light energy into electrical energy and this variable electrical energy was converted into digital signal (0 or 1) by using the timer IC555. The Timer IC output goes low when light falls on the LDR and the timer IC output goes high when the LDR was placed in dark.
1) Tolearn and develop knowledge in designing the application by using the microprocessor.
2) Tolearn how to write an assembly language and combining with the hardware.
3) Tolearn how make a full report of project Microprocessor
2) Tolearn how to write an assembly language and combining with the hardware.
3) Tolearn how make a full report of project Microprocessor
In this mini project, the components that has been used is 8255, IC 555,resistors, capacitors,
LDR, Buzzer, LED and Transistor NPN. Light Dependent Resistors (LDR) is function as a sensor.
It will detect when there is light or in we can say in the day. LDR then converts the light energy into electrical energy and this variable electrical energy was converted into digital signal ( 0or 1) buusing timer IC555. The Timer IC output goes low (0) when light falls on the LDR and the timer IC output goes high when the LDR was placed in dark.
LDR, Buzzer, LED and Transistor NPN. Light Dependent Resistors (LDR) is function as a sensor.
It will detect when there is light or in we can say in the day. LDR then converts the light energy into electrical energy and this variable electrical energy was converted into digital signal ( 0or 1) buusing timer IC555. The Timer IC output goes low (0) when light falls on the LDR and the timer IC output goes high when the LDR was placed in dark.
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